Tuesday, January 27, 2009

not much cosmetics, but lots of make up

Life with three little girls is good, though every now and then I can hear the song "Little Girls" (sung by Carol Burnett in the movie Annie) playing in my mind.  I am adjusting... with lots of help!  I am sticking to the basics right now (as you may have noticed, the blogs are falling behind a bit).  Tonight Alli and Ruby went to sleep early and June is napping, so I am making up for lost blog time.

June has brought lots of love to our family.  She is sweet as can be!  She is mellow and patient with her sisters.  Lots of love.  Other things she has brought: laundry (wow... this little gal gets stuff dirty!) and diapers (I don't want to think about what we are doing to the landfills).  Mostly love though.

June is sleeping 3-4 hour stretches throughout the night.  Not bad.  I am a little extra tired... sometimes a lot extra tired.  She is holding her head up now and interacting more and more.  She doesn't like the pacifier (though Alli and Ruby like to see it pop out of her mouth, so they give it to her often).  The hair on top of June's head sticks straight up.  June's thighs are starting to get chunky!  She is already growing way too fast!

Alli still loves to hold June.  She loves to feed her a bottle.  She is by my side for diaper changes.  She is a great helper.  Alli is starting to read.  She can sound out words... now I can't skip parts of books.

Ruby has declared June "her best little, little friend."  Ruby is sweet with June.  This week Ruby has begun to draw amazing little happy faces.  If you sit near us in church she will probably hand you one of her drawings and you will see what I mean.  With the cold, dry weather, Ruby has been sporting some fabulous static-induced hairdos. 

My parents came to visit us two weekends ago.  Having Grandma and Grandpa Ohio around was such a treat!  Uncle Ben came too... also a treat.  They brought my sister Marissa who will be staying with us until spring... and helping out with everything.  She is so wonderful!

Andy and I celebrated birthdays this week... one day apart.  We kept celebrations very low key this year.  Andy took June on the morning of my birthday so I could sleep in.  Deluxe!  Then he made breakfast.  He's a keeper.  We went out for a lunch date on his birthday.  It's fun sharing our birthdays.

Life is good here.  Stay tuned... even if it takes me a little extra time to post again.


stephasauri said...

I love that little pink dress! What a sweetie. I'm glad Alli and Ruby are loving June so much! I can hardly wait to get up there and see you.

So I win the biggest loser award for not even calling you on your birthday. I am such a flake. Next year is the big one, so I can't forget that one!

You rock and are such a great momma! Loving you!