Last week I had a day that went something like this...

That is green food coloring.

June, say "sorry."


(But not really.)
Luckily this disaster happened outside. And now we have a patch of really green grass.
This is Ruby on time out.

This one can be fierce... when she isn't cute as a button. As summer winds down, she is spending more and more time on the pink chair. Teasing Alli is far too much fun at this point.

Alli somehow escaped time-out. See her gloat.

Then I found the brownies in this condition...

These brownies are laced with zucchini (it's August... that's what happens when you have a garden).
The culprit was easy to spot.

My nephew Spencer is too cute to get in trouble... besides that, we was eating his veggies. Speaking of veggies...
Here is a fresh-from-the-garden tomato. It was ripened to perfection on the vine.

And then its guts were smashed out violently on our counter.
Someone in our house doesn't like tomatoes.
And she isn't afraid to rough 'em up a little.
When I went to my dark chocolate stash for a little consolation, I found this...

Bites. I know baby teeth bites when I see them... and there are only two girls left in this house with baby teeth.
Andy came home and took the girls to the home improvement store to pick up some material for his latest project. (He is finishing part of the basement!) I took off for my favorite store hoping for some retail therapy. The store was closed. So I went to a boring store to get the last few back-to-school supplies.
Yes, I am looking forward to school starting soon. Things are getting a little wild around here.