Sunday, February 8, 2009

it's all about the elegance

Tonight Andy read the girls a bedtime story.  Then Alli begged me to read another. 
"Please, please, PLEASE read the chapter about David and Golias!"  Alli pleaded.
"GoliaTH," I corrected, "It has a 'TH' at the end."
"I know.  But I think it sounds more elegant when I say it 'Golias,'" my daughter corrected me.  "Golias."
Elegant?  I don't know about that.  But this sure is...

Here is our first attempt at sponge-roller-curls.  I need more practice... or maybe try to do it when I am not nursing June.

I wonder what Alli would think of Castilian Spanish.  Elegant?


stephasauri said...

That's hilarious! What a smart little lady!

You're always in for a surprise with sponge curlers.

stephasauri said...

Oh, I love the cocoon picture in the header!