To celebrate the tenth day of the tenth month of the tenth year...
Here are ten things that made me smile this weekend...
1. Cousin Eliza came over for a sleepover. Besides bringing the regular sleepover gear, she also brought accessories... which June borrowed. I have a feeling that ten years from now, I will be posting a very similar story.

2. I finished another backdrop painting! I like painting backdrops. For a few hours I dripped paint and added layers. Ruby and her friend helped out a little. When the backdrop dried, Ruby was a sport and let me use her as a model... smiles cost extra apparently.

3. We are growing a watermelon in our front yard flower bed. It is about the size of an average canteloupe now. I have never successfully grown a melon before. This is new, exciting territory. Anyone know how to tell if it is ready to be picked?

4. I made a bunch of pumpkin throw pillows. The kids play pumpkin patch with them. I put them on the couch and chairs to be festive. I love them. The girls love them.

Andy doesn't love pillows. (But I still love him!)
5. We are all enchanted with Andy's new toy. Today Alli sighed and told me, "Dad's phone can do anything!" It is true... or maybe it's more like Andy can do anything with his phone. Have I mentioned that he is brilliant?

6. Andy fixed my favorite camera lens. He took it apart and bent the thing-a-ma-jiggy back into place and put it all back together... and it works again!

(And this is the spider Andy saved Ruby from... she was picking apples and not paying attention and almost stuck her face into the web! Someone squealed... possibly Ruby... maybe not. Compare the spider to the apple leaf in its web!)
7. Kids soccer! Alli and Ruby are on a soccer team with their cousin Eldon! The games are action-packed... there are kid's dancing and picking grass and waving to parents. It is fun to watch the kids.

And everyone is a winner.
8. We picked apples this weekend! All kinds of apples! We made an apple crisp today. And we ate several plain apples. At the rate we are going, we will need to pick another 20 pounds next week.

9. There was an incident today. I was putting something away in the basement and I heard a crash above me and then the sound of marbles rolling across the floor in every direction. By the time I got upstairs, Andy was on the scene. And he was a little upset.
June had gotten into the pantry with a stool and pulled down and 3.5 pound bag of peanut M&Ms. The bag wasn't zipped shut (for easy snack access), so about 3 pounds of M&Ms spilled in the pantry. June was stuffing those things into her mouth as fast as she could go. Ruby came to "help" too. We cleaned most of them up, but there are several loose M&Ms that we will be finding for a long, long time.

Ruby got to keep these ones.
10. Because of #9, Andy installed a child-proof lock on the pantry. Did I mention that Peanut M&Ms are his favorite? Yup.

Look closely, Andy is in the background drilling into the pantry door. He had to rig up the locking device because it wasn't quite long enough.
Have I ever told you that Andy is brilliant?
(And the apples are lovely!)