Friday, April 1, 2011

the latest on June

Little June likes to be Miss Independent.  Today she dressed herself.  That is why she is wearing her "Daddy's Little Monkey" shirt (one of her top 3 favorites), leggings, and another shirt worn as a skirt.
As you can see, the back of June's hair has grown long... which is adorable when she lets me twist it into tiny braids.  But normally, she prefers not to have her hair fussed over.
And so it was time for June to meet Bob.
June, Bob.
Bob, June.

I think it suits her.
In other June news, I haven't had to change poopy pants in over a week!  (I grin as I type this!)  June does all her business on the potty!  She knows when to go, and takes off running when it is time.  She loves  washing her hands.  She has been the easiest kid to potty train... by far.