Last Friday there was no school... so I took the girls up to Grandma and Grandpa Ohio's house.
The girls couldn't wait to play in Grandma's playroom. Alli says the toys there are REALLY fun (not like our boring toys).
We visited my Grandma. We left with two bags of cookies. She says she's done making cookies... she's even giving away her cookie sheets. We'll see.

The girls made cupcakes with Grandma Ohio and took them to Grandpa's work.
I took photos of the teachers at Falcon Academy. And I did a family picture for my brother Dan's family.
We had a pasta party for my marathon-running brothers... it was also a birthday party for my Grandpa Edwin.

Grandpa Ed invited a bunch of friends to the party. What a collection of friends! The range in age and ethnicity and lifestyle was quite interesting. When we all sang "Happy Birthday," Ed got all shy and looked down and kept eating his dinner. He did blow out the candle at the end of the song.
My nephew Eldon couldn't get enough of the Jeep.

I had to Photoshop him out of Dan's family picture...

We had to head home Friday night because I was taking bridal photos on Saturday.
Busy. Busy. Busy.
Andy got to go to the OSU game on Saturday. We don't own any OSU attire (which might be criminal in Columbus).
A red shirt from CVS had to do. (And now I have an idea for a Christmas present.)
As soon as Andy got back from the game I took off for a women's dinner and broadcast. The messages were inspiring and uplifting... and the company was wonderful!
My brothers Dan and Dave ran the Akron Marathon on Saturday. Dan beat his best time by a minute... but I forget what that time was. Dave came in 4th place... not his very best time, but his best finish at Akron. Go bros!
The girls couldn't wait to play in Grandma's playroom. Alli says the toys there are REALLY fun (not like our boring toys).
We visited my Grandma. We left with two bags of cookies. She says she's done making cookies... she's even giving away her cookie sheets. We'll see.
The girls made cupcakes with Grandma Ohio and took them to Grandpa's work.
I took photos of the teachers at Falcon Academy. And I did a family picture for my brother Dan's family.
We had a pasta party for my marathon-running brothers... it was also a birthday party for my Grandpa Edwin.
Grandpa Ed invited a bunch of friends to the party. What a collection of friends! The range in age and ethnicity and lifestyle was quite interesting. When we all sang "Happy Birthday," Ed got all shy and looked down and kept eating his dinner. He did blow out the candle at the end of the song.
My nephew Eldon couldn't get enough of the Jeep.
I had to Photoshop him out of Dan's family picture...
We had to head home Friday night because I was taking bridal photos on Saturday.
Busy. Busy. Busy.
Andy got to go to the OSU game on Saturday. We don't own any OSU attire (which might be criminal in Columbus).
A red shirt from CVS had to do. (And now I have an idea for a Christmas present.)
As soon as Andy got back from the game I took off for a women's dinner and broadcast. The messages were inspiring and uplifting... and the company was wonderful!
My brothers Dan and Dave ran the Akron Marathon on Saturday. Dan beat his best time by a minute... but I forget what that time was. Dave came in 4th place... not his very best time, but his best finish at Akron. Go bros!