Monday, April 30, 2007
Andy's passport

Dental Hygiene
(drum roll) TA DA!

It is so wonderful to have a finished backsplash!
Thursday, April 19, 2007
I Love You
There on the hardwood floor in pink marker were lots of lines and scribbles. She looked up and smiled and said, "It says I love you mom." I smiled and said, "I love you too. Clean it up."
She cleaned it up. Thank goodness for washable markers... and wet wipes.
Wednesday, April 18, 2007
She matches, accessorizes, and coordinates to get the perfect look. Lately she has been especially keen on sunglasses (she has a huge collection... thank you Grandma) and jeans. Alli goes all out on her clothes and accessories, but she prefers her hair "plain." Go figure.
She has her own style, and I love it.

Monday, April 9, 2007
Sisterhood and Ruby's new teeth

Easter Weekend Recap

We had a wonderful Easter weekend. On Saturday we had dinner and an egg hunt at the Seamon's house. The Dads hid the Easter eggs, then the kids were set loose. Clara, Allison and Annaliese enjoyed running around collecting the eggs. Clara would pick one up and yell, "Yeah! I found another one!" She said that after picking up each egg.

On Sunday, Alli dressed in her Easter best: a blue "puffy" dress with a pink cardigan, a hot pink undershirt, blue Cinderella gloves, an Easter hat, magenta sequined shoes, and jeans underneath. We did manage to get the jeans off of her before church. She has her own style.
Ruby wore an adorable little sailor outfit. Unfortunately we didn't get pictures before she got it all messy. Ruby really enjoyed all the candy dropped on the floor at home and at church. She loves jellybeans. She defended her candy with her sharp teeth and strong jaws. Today she has enjoyed finding strings of Easter grass everywhere. Fun.
We told the Easter story on Sunday. If you ask Alli what Easter is about, she will say, "Jesus died and was resurrected." Andy told Alli that the Easter Bunny is pretend. She is fine with that, but when our neighbor asked Alli if the Easter Bunny came, she said, "The Easter Bunny isn't real, but I got an Easter basket anyway."
Monday, April 2, 2007
A Three-Year-Old With a Record
Alli is really into copying me and matching me (ie- when I wear jeans, she wears jeans). She wanted to carry one little shopping bag on her stroller, like me. We browsed through several stores and then we had lunch at the food court. We had a very enjoyable time. I loaded the girls up in the car and went home, pleased with our little outing.
When we got home, I was putting some things away and I discovered a stow-away necklace in the shopping bag that Alli had on her stroller. My heart sank. I asked her about it and she said that she took it. We had a long talk and then I loaded up the girls again and drove up to the mall to return the stolen necklace.
I was not in a great mood. Stolen goods. Traffic. An all-day event.
We took the necklace back. The girl in the store thought Alli was so cute. She said, "Oh don't worry about it. It's okay." It was not okay. I know she was just trying to be nice, but I was trying to teach my 3 year old a lesson.
So since we were at the mall again, I decided to stop at a department store to get an Easter present for Andy. We were in Carson's for just a few minutes, then we walked back through the mall towards where we parked. Alli had to pee, and if you have ever had to find a bathroom in a department store with a freshly-potty-trained kid, you will know how frustrating and difficult it is (bonus: we had to find an elevator because we had a stroller and there was only a restroom on the second level... who designed this store!?).
Anyhow, I eventually got the girls out to the car again, loaded them up in car seats, and as I was folding the stroller, I discovered a nice pink tie tucked away in a pocket on our stroller.
The shoplifting bandit struck again.
We had a talk again. I got the girls out again. We went into the store again. Alli apologized again (luckily for me it was a different store). Again the nice lady at the desk said, "It's okay." Again, stealing is never okay.
Alli's total for the day was about $60 worth of goods.
I think we will be having a longer, more thorough talk with Alli.
What to Wear

Pinch me!