Ruby fell down a few steps this week and scraped her nose. As soon as she recovers from one injury, she gets another. She is so adventurous and active. She doesn't seem to mind the bumps and bruises, they don't slow her down at all.

This week the heat and humidity topped out. The sweltering weather was unbearable without a few trips to the beach and several hours of playing with the hose on the patio. We invested in some ice cream bars to help us keep our cool.
I really love Chicago summers. The heat is so much better than the inevitable bone-chilling cold of winter. There is so much going on here in the summer.
Other fun things we did this week:
We went to the baby shower of our friend Joy who is having triplet girls! Alli and Ruby had to come with me. They especially enjoyed the plentiful cupcakes and cookies. Good luck Joy!
Andy started a new diet. We all went shopping for diet-friendly food. Alli loves pushing the kid shopping carts at the grocery store, but she constantly runs into my ankles with her cart. I left the store with bruises around my ankles.
We had lunch with our friend Alison and her three little girls. Between the two of us there were five little wiggly girls... all under four. We were outnumbered! It was a short, eat-quickly-or-else lunch, but it was fun to get out with them.