Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Photos by Alli and other Good Stuff

We got a pocket-size camera for Christmas.  Alli seems to think it is hers because it is just her size.  I keep finding lots of great pictures on the camera that I didn't take... real gems.  June is very patient with her sister.  Hopefully no permanent damage is done from flash-in-the-face.  Ruby likes to ham it up for Alli.  I play along with Alli's request for a funny face.  Nice, huh?

June is getting lots of love.  Ruby and Alli adore her.  They shower her with kisses and hugs.  Luckily June seems to thrive on their attention.  She is quite patient with them... she puts up with a lot.  She follows their voices around with her eyes.  It is amazing to see the sisterly bonds forming already.


stephasauri said...

I love the picture of June with her eyes open. She looks so grown up!

You make a great fish face!