Friday, May 8, 2009


When the weather warms up, staying in the house looses much of its charm.  Outside is much more fun.  Alli played with worms again... this time they were snakes in a jungle tree.  Worms are a favorite now.

Alli used the word "furthermore" in a sentence this week.  She had argued a point or two and then added another point to her case with an elegant "furthermore."

Ruby "rainbowed" the patio bricks (betcha didn't know that was a verb).  This funny girl responded to a request from me this week with, "Ay ay, me captain!"  Pirate voice, of course.

By the way, did you know that a plastic snow sled makes a lovely splashing pool?  I love multi-functional stuff!

Even June got in on the outside action.  She was an eager spectator from her Bumbo chair.

(The dangerous looking toothpick was from a "fancy" snack {see Alli's face} which was topped off with frilly toothpicks... it was immediately confiscated.)

Ruby painted our windows with chalk-water.  I put paintbrushes outside for water-painting.  The kids paint on the ground, fence, etc. with water and then it dries in a little while so they can do it again... except lately they have been making chalk water so the art doesn't go away completely without a shower from the hose.

In related news, I washed the outside windows yesterday.

Hooray for warm weather and a bit of outside space!