Some friends were at the park. A three-year-old friend asked, "Karyn, why are you wearing shoes that aren't matching?"
Have I told you that we are moving?
It's true... though the house we were planning on buying isn't really working out. And this house is SOLD! So we are moving into a rental this weekend.
So things have been somewhat busy here. Lots of packing and hauling stuff to storage... in the awesome minivan with seats that fold flat.
It was after one of these hauling sessions that I had to put the seats back up from their tucked-away positions. Normally I would put the seat up from the trunk area, but on this occasion the car was parked in our spot with the back tight up against a wall... so I was unfolding the seat from the inside. On the bottom of the seat there is a latch that secures the seat to the floor when it is in the upright position, and when I popped the seat up my foot was covering the hole where the latch lands. And I was wearing sandals.
And so I broke two wee little bones in my toes.
And it hurt.
A week later, I finally went to the doctor. I have a special (that means ugly in this case) shoe and I have to tape my toes together for a few weeks.
***I was trying so hard to get "tutu" into that last sentence... and find a T-word for "long."
Taping two toes is too tedious to try in my tutu.
Thank you and good night.
Nice alliteration. And I'm excited to see whatever house you get - it's going to be awesome. And a rental - well it just means a short adventure.
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