This girl is so funny. She likes wit and puns. (I just love her humor.) Yesterday she helped me make dinner. She made a few appetizers... homemade pita chips, and spinach-cheese rolls. She was so proud of herself. Her cousin Eliza was over for a sleepover. They were snacking on Alli's creations after dinner and Alli said, "I guess these are really AFTER-tisers."
Pretty clever.
Alli loves lots of different music. Her favorite band right now is Cake (no, we don't let her listen to all the songs)... her favorite song is "The Distance." I love to hear her sing the words.
Alli is one chapter away from the end of Little House on the Prairie. We have been reading it together... sometimes I read, sometimes she does. She loves to read. And she is very good at it.
It is amazing to watch her grow and blossom.