Friday, May 20, 2011

in my garden

Andy might tell you that I am a hoarder... of egg shells.  When winter was teasing us with its last chills... before the torrential rains of April (and May)... I started saving our eggs shell to plant seeds in.  I saved dozens.  I filled each half shell with soil, and the girls helped tuck little seeds lovingly into the dirt.
Everyday we peeked at our egg pots... waiting for the first sprouts.  And, oh, what excitement when the bright green seedlings broke through the black soil.  And when the first leaves unfolded! 
And a month later...

There are dozens of thriving little plants.  Most have transitioned from their spots in the egg crates to summer homes in the garden.  Most are quite happy there.  The neat thing about starting seeds in egg shells is the entire shell can be put in the soil when the seedling gets planted.  I just crushed up the shell a little to let the tender roots break through.

Thanks to my brother, we have stepping stones in our garden.  Not only are they fun to step on, they help keep little feet away from delicate plants.

I have planted an antique copper boiler with salad greens.  Ruby picked a variety of lettuce called "Ruby Lettuce."  She likes the greens dipped in ranch dressing.  I plant more seeds as we pick the lettuce leaves.

The herbs are planted around the patio for quick access.  The girls love to rub the leaves of the lavender between their fingers and then sniff the scent.  Alli likes to eat chives.
We are all excited for summer and the harvest of tomatoes, beans, corn, onions, broccoli, zucchini, squash, watermelon, beets, carrots, peas, cucumbers, pumpkins, collards... whatever survives.