So here I am. Okay, it is somewhat out of focus, and I photoshopped a zit out, but it is recent and it is me.
And here are a few snippets about me...
- I have kept a journal (on and off) since I was seven years old. Some parts of it are more interesting than other parts. But a life recorded is a life remembered.
- I am left-handed, but I use my right hand to cut with scissors. I design die-cut shapes for QuicKutz by cutting shapes out with scissors. I think it is funny that my work is done with my off hand.
- I feel like I have too many ideas and too little time. Inventions. Businesses. Stories for books. I keep a notebook of those ideas... aside from the regular journal.
- I like to ice skate. My grandmother taught me how to ice skate when I was quite small. Later, I took a course in college. I can still do a few (small) tricks.
- I am writing and illustrating a book right now. It has been fun working on a project all my own. I love painting and drawing and creating stuff. (If anyone knows any publishers, let me know.) Maybe I'll post a sneak peek of the illustrations soon.
- I have been pregnant four times (two miscarriages). I really enjoy pregnancy (at least 95% of it). There are ups and downs, but carrying a baby is overall an amazing, beautiful experience. I think big preggo bellies are gorgeous.
- I love good chocolate. Dark chocolate. Exotic chocolate. I keep a little stash tucked away. Alli really likes my intense, dark chocolate, and I usually feel really irritated that she wants to share my chocolate. Shouldn't she like Hershey's or something? I guess I am a chocolate snob.
- I have great recipe for ginger-chocolate cookies. The recipe is based on my grandmother's recipe, but I added some treats to it. I am proud of this recipe, it's a crowd-pleaser.
Chewy ginger chocolate cookies
Based on a recipe from Dorothy Tompkins, altered by Karyn Nicoll
2 C. sugar
¾ C. butter
½ C. molasses
2 eggs
3 C. flour
2 tsp. baking soda
2 tsp. cinnamon
1 tsp. ginger
1/8 tsp. cloves
½ C. candied ginger, chopped small
1 ½ C. good chocolate (I like a combination of dark, bittersweet, and semisweet) chopped into chunks
Cream sugar and butter. Add molasses and eggs and blend well. Combine remaining dry ingredients in another bowl, stir into creamed mixture. Once dough is formed, add the candied ginger and chocolate and stir until fully incorporated.
Drop batter by teaspoons onto ungreased cookie sheets (actually I use parchment on cookie sheets), about 2 inches apart. Bake at 375 degrees for 8-9 minutes until edges are firm, but centers are still soft. Makes 5-6 dozen.