Sunday, September 16, 2007

Garden Harvest

There is nothing quite so delicious in the summer as tomatoes ripened on the vine. Of course you have to leave them on the vine until the ripening happens. Ruby doesn't quite get this yet. She loves to harvest little, hard green tomatoes within her reach. She plucks them and brings them to me, so proud of herself.

The red tomato in the picture is there for comparison. That one was out of Ruby's reach.

Alli is my herb picker. I often find her chewing on chives or basil leaves. She is a great helper when I am cooking dinner and need some herbs. She knows how to identify all of the herbs in our garden.

I do love keeping a garden. The challenge of keeping things alive and thriving is fun. This year we have grown lettuce, radishes, tomatoes and herbs that we have eaten. The squash plant didn't make it. The carrots didn't work out either.

I think I have the world's largest tomato bush (about 7 ft tall). It hangs over our fence into the neighbor's patios. There are no tomatoes on it. All of our tomatoes have come from smaller bushes. But I guess I let it stay because it has worked so hard to be so big. I keep hoping that it will be a late bloomer instead of a nonbloomer.