Saturday, June 14, 2008

Ruby's Guardian Angel

Have you ever had a moment where you know your kid has a guardian angel?

Saturday... a relatively peaceful afternoon... Alli was taking a nap, Ruby was playing quietly. Andy was watching the U.S. Open with his dad and uncle. I was in the kitchen with Andy's mom and my sister.

Have you ever heard the terrifying crash of something big falling and breaking into a thousand pieces?

The noise rang throughout the house and in the split second it took for everyone to run to the commotion, I had thought through every possible accident... except the grandfather clock falling on Ruby.

In the rush to get to Ruby, Andy's dad tripped. Andy scraped his knee as he dived down to her side. My heart was racing.

Andy's parents have a beautiful grandfather clock in the entryway. It is big. It is wooden. It is pretty old... and nice. And there it was laying on top of Ruby.

Andy got it up off of her in an instant. Ruby was crying and laying on the floor. We were afraid to move her if she was hurt. But she sat up quickly and so I scooped her up into my arms. We checked her out inch-by-inch inspecting the damage. To our amazement and shock, Ruby escaped virtually unharmed... she got two small bruises.

When the clock fell, Ruby was positioned in such a way that she ended up in the hollow where the pendulum hangs down. The weights that normally hang there were removed a few days ago because her cousin kept messing with them. The clock fell around her like a box. The weights that would have pummeled her happened to be out.

Yes. I know Ruby has a guardian angel (or perhaps a whole team of angels).

The clock is broken. Lots of pieces. We made Ruby say sorry to Grandma and Grandpa (it took her a long time to say it). Lots of little clock pieces.

During dinner Ruby said, "I climbed the clock." And she said it in such a proud, daring, matter-of-fact way.

Dear Guardian Angel,

I am doing my best, but please keep an extra-close eye on Ruby. She's a busy one, fearless and brave... and she is always reaching for new heights (not figuratively).
Thanks for your hard work and patience.



Steph said...

Wow! I am so glad Ruby is OK! How scary for you guys I am sure. Thanks for sharing such a (scary) but sweet story. Love you guys!

Chelsey said...

Ah! I'm so glad Ruby's okay!!! Zoe tried to climb a huge metal shelving unit last week and when I heard the crash and found her stuck underneath, it about gave me a heart attack. One of the shelves landed right across her lower back and I'm convinced a big blanket and some big toys she'd been playing with stopped the shelf from doing some serious damage to her vertebra. She just has a bruise.

Kids are so fearless, it's crazy! Good thing we have some time before they hit puberty!

Alison said...

Those guardian angels need a few medals of honor! Thank goodness Ruby is okay. I had a similar experience with Annaliese when she was very little. Thank Heaven for those guardian angels!

Missy said...

Karyn, that story breaks my heart! I'm so glad Ruby is okay. Man, between you diving under tire swings and Andy lifting up grandfather clocks, there is never a dull moment at your house!

Janis Mars Wunderlich said...

All 5 of my kids have guardian angels.. maybe our ancestors keep very busy in heaven!
You are right, we owe heaven a HUGE THANK YOU!
Oh, and I don't think I'll ever buy you a grandfather clock!