We spent last weekend in Ohio with the
Mars family. As always, a visit to Mars is busy and eventful... exhausting and fun!
The big event was Saturday. Chris and LaTrisha were
sealed in the Columbus Temple.

This is where Andy and I were married. It is fun to go back and reminisce about the day I couldn't stop smiling... seven and a half years ago!

The cousins had a great time playing together. Alli and Ruby enjoyed exploring the park near Emma and Eliza's house. Andy had a great time being the monster and chasing the girls around.

I have a cute family. Alli took a picture of Andy and me... she said, "Okay, stick out your tongues!" Click. Hmm... could this be the Christmas card picture?

Many, many pictures were taken this weekend. Check out Emily's blog
here for more. She posted a great
video capturing the essence of a big family lunch at Janis' house. A little bit of chaos... the good kind.

All the cousins (about 20 of them) dressed up and went to the Halloween party at Janis' church. Alli was a pirate. Ruby was a pumpkin. Emma was Pippi Longstocking. There were also aliens, a mermaid, fairy, princesses, storm trooper, duck, kangaroo, more pirates... just about everything. Nothing like hyper cousins plus costumes and sugar... lots of sugar!

The trunk-or-treating in the parking lot was fun. Ruby was pretty thrilled about all the candy dropped in her bag. The younger cousins posed for a quick picture while many of the older cousins made second rounds of the parking lot (or thirds?).

Everyone got properly sugared up just before bedtime... which was great because we had to be up early in the morning to get to the church for Caelan's blessing.
Somehow we totally missed pictures of him. Sorry
Ruby and Alli enjoyed the park by his house too.

The weekend sped by. A blur of family and food and fun and air mattresses!