Thursday, October 23, 2008

just plain awesome

I like to do creative projects with the girls.  We work together to make something fantastic... and we usually make a pretty great mess too.
Last week's project was a robot mask.  We started with an oatmeal box (Costco-size) and cut out holes for eyes and mouth.  We covered the box with paper and metallic sticky paper.  Then Alli and Ruby decorated the box with buttons, drawings, and pipe-cleaner antennae.
Then Alli wanted to make a remote control.  (I wish I could say the idea was mine.)  A rectangular scrap of cardboard was decorated with buttons.  Brilliant.
Alli and Ruby have enjoyed playing robot.  They take turns being the robot and controller.  The one with the remote gets to boss the other one around.  And the robot does whatever the controller says!  "Jump Robot!"  "Spin around Robot!"  "Give me that doll Robot!"
I took the remote one day and told Ruby Robot to sit on the potty.  She obediently complied while repeating, "I am a robot" in her awesome robot voice.
This has been one of our best projects ever.


Alison said...

I think we need to make a robot at our house. What a fun game and IT REALLY WORKS! =)

Kris Tina said...

Nice work. With the girls already set with their Halloween costumes - this robot head will work great - better yet- make Andy wear it and you can use the remote.

Anonymous said...

I think I'll make a robot for grandpa and mybe I can get the toilet fixed.

Anonymous said...

Great potty training technique!

Anonymous said...

nicer if i could see her p u ssy