Thursday started at 3:50am... that is when Andy got home from work. Birds were chirping in the courtyard just outside our window. I was excited too, but not as vocal as the birds. Still sleepy. Then June started to sing. Baby singing is very sweet... even at 4:05am. June and I bonded over morning milk. She was congested and wiggly. We bonded for a long time.
Alli and Ruby were playing in their room by 8:30am. Maybe earlier. They were speaking for the little princess figurines in their dollhouse. The princesses were planning a party and redecorating and going to preschool and going on a walk...
Andy got a call at 8:50am. Ten minutes before his alarm.
I made oatmeal for breakfast. I mixed flax seeds in it and topped it off with honey, fresh strawberries and raspberries and golden raspberries. And milk. Delicious. Alli and Ruby emptied their bowls.
Ruby wore a dress that I made for her. It is not quite done. (Stay tuned for pictures).
We went to a book swap this morning. On our way out the door, Ruby was determined to be the "leader," but instead of going left toward our car, she went right to the gate to the sidewalk. The clanging of the gate made me look up from my key-fumbling and realized my 2-year-old was taking off down the sidewalk toward a busy street. I dropped my keys, purse, bag o' books, and I quickly set June down (she was strapped into her car seat) and off I ran. The five seconds of sprinting felt like forever... not because I am out of shape, but because I ran through every possible terrible outcome in my mind. By the time I reached the gate and turned onto the sidewalk, Ruby was about 40 feet ahead of me running towards danger. She looked back, and seeing that she was pursued Ruby was delighted and ran even faster. I screamed for her to stop (and that scary-mom-voice came out). I stylish woman crossing the street was watching my child run towards the road. I could see that she was anticipating having to save the day. A preschool class on the other side of the busy road was walking by... all those kids were obediently holding a rope which was being guided by their teacher. All eyes were on Ruby... and on me, barreling down the sidewalk yelling and praying all the while. I caught up with Ruby and snatched her up into my arms about six feet from the curb. I don't know if she would have stopped. The stylish lady smiled at me... she had turned her course toward us... just in case. The preschool children watched with big eyes, marching behind their teacher. Obediently. Then the flood of emotion. Part of me wanted to spank Ruby's little bottom then and there. The other part of me was holding her too close for that. But I scolded her... all the way to the book swap. And I threatened a spanking.
We visited friends today. I got two new books to read. I picked up toys off the floor... a thousand times. We put a puzzle together. We made quiche for dinner. I didn't get around to mopping the kitchen floor, and it is a bit sticky (someone squeezed a strawberry to make juice).
We went to the play lot to get our crazies out. Ruby smiled and waved at everyone we passed. It took me a few seconds to realize why everyone walking toward us smiled. Ruby made lots of people smile today... and she made one person cry (see paragraph above).
We watched a little bit of So You Think You Can Dance, and then Alli pretended she was auditioning and I was the judge. I gave her a ticket to Vegas. Very talented little lady.
Bedtime didn't come soon enough. But by 9:45 three girls were sleeping. All is quiet in the house.
It is 12:01am. Happy Friday! I am off to bed.