Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Alli the kindergartener

After school today, when Alli was telling me about her day, she got all serious and said, "The WORST thing happened at school today!"
All kinds of things went through my mind real fast.  Was there a weapon?  Or bullying?  Or a creepy stranger?  Or...
"A girl brought a GRANOLA BAR to school!"


"Wow.  What did your teacher do?"
Alli said her teacher checked the ingredients and told the girl she couldn't eat it because it had nuts.  The little girl had to put it back in her lunch bag for later.

I can hardly believe Alli is a kindergartener already!  So far she is loving her school and classmates.  Her school is nut-free... and she takes it very seriously. 
I love hearing about her school adventures everyday as we walk home. 
"You can BUY a lunch at school!  AND milk!" (She is very excited to buy a lunch sometime.)
"The gym is SOOOO huge!"
"Our recess is so short.  I didn't have enough time to play."


Porters said...

Seriously, how can they make a school nut free? I know some kids have allergies, I have one who can't have any milk products but I wouldn't expect the whole school to go milk free! This world we live in is crazy!

Pops Stargell said...

Isn't kindergarten so fun? I love hearing every single detail about Noah's day too. The things they emphasize are just hilarious.

Hope all is well for you and Andy and fam.