Friday, October 30, 2009

spooky stuff

I am tired. I was up late last night putting the finishing touches on a witch skirt and a rainbow-heart-fairy-princess costume. And then June wanted to party all night... or fuss... I'can't remember.
All that exhaustion paid off. Aren't they cute?
June rocked her pumpkin dress at the school party... her pumpkin costume was too hot in the boiling classroom.
Ruby's shirt used to be plain pink. The rainbow was one of my late-night projects. She was delighted with it. I bet you've never seen a sweeter rainbow-heart-fairy-princess!
Andy sported his mullet wig for the picture. Creepy. He forgot to take it to work. Don't worry, you can see him in it tonight at the church party!

I am dressing up too.

We have a full schedule of Halloween fun... school, church, pumpkin patch, trick-or-treating! I am getting a sugar-rush just thinking of it all!

Let the Halloween celebrations begin!

Thursday, October 22, 2009

the latest on the three girls

Alli was having a difficult time going to bed a few nights ago, and I asked her what was wrong. Through her sobs she said, "It must be the changing weather!" Sometimes it is hard not to laugh at things like that.
Alli has recently learned about the concept of tattling. This morning on our way to school Ruby and Alli were chattering away and I was tuning them out until Alli said, "Mo-om, Ruby is tattling on me!" That's a two-way street, dear.
Ruby had an ear infection this week. She never complains until the infection is raging... poor thing. She missed one day of school. After her doctor appointment, she changed into this awesome outfit...

And we went to the park. It was easy to keep track of her.

Ruby and her friend found "treasures" at the park: sunglasses with only one lens and a fairy wand.June recently had her 9 month check-up. She is growing like a weed. She is not quite 17 lbs... and nearly 27 inches. (For those of you who like percentiles, that's between the 10th and 25th.) Maybe she's a little weed, but she's growing.
I can't get enough of her jack-o-lantern smile!

Wednesday, October 21, 2009


You may have heard a rumor...
We bought a house! (But it is not in or near Chicago.)
We are moving to Columbus, Ohio!
We are thrilled to have family nearby. We are so excited to have an attached garage and a yard (though we may not have grass until spring).
We will miss our friends in Chicago, but we are looking forward to many new adventures in Ohio.
The house will be done in December... so stay tuned...

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

camera conspiracy

It is always a treat to find bonus pictures when I download the card from our camera.
A certain budding photographer loves to take pictures. Sometimes she asks, but not always... and the proof is always left on the camera.
Ruby likes to be in front of the camera... posing... working it... with a seriously mischievous smile!
These pictures were all taken within the last two weeks. These pictures were all surprises. Notice all the different outfits, lighting, etc... they must do this pretty often.
Alli likes to try different angles. Sometimes she gets pretty artistic. Sometimes she helps her model make the right face.

There... perfect! *Click*
And the little one might be in on it too.

Monday, October 12, 2009

happy October

June is going to be a pumpkin for Halloween. Her costume is cozy, so she has been wearing it on chilly days... everyday in October so far. She makes a darling little pumpkin. She draws lots of smiles on our walks.
Alli made this happy pumpkin. It is hanging on our window now. The girls have made lots of decorations for our windows.
June has a silly pumpkin face.Classic cute pumpkin.

mirror, mirror on the carseat...

This little bear mirror is a new addition to our mini van. And the great thing about it is the singing June does now as we drive around.

Conference Catch up!

Every six months our church holds a General Conference that is broadcast worldwide. The leaders of our church speak in five two-hour sessions over two days. Here is how we spent our Conference weekend.
We watchedConference on the laptop. During the first session, Andy and I did a sewing project. We made an Amish puzzle ball. Here we are sewing...
We went downtown for the second session. Andy cleaned his office and we listened to Conference in a conference room at his work.Alli wrote out a recipe, made a list of our family members, drew pictures...
Ruby and Alli drew lots of pictures.
June enjoyed the fabulous view.
We had donuts.

We spent Sunday at home watching Conference on the computer. Afterward we went to a Jewish Sukkah party at our neighbor's house.

We had a great weekend with our family while we were enriched and inspired.

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Good Hair

There is documentary by Chris Rock opening soon called Good Hair. I am actually pretty interested in seeing this film.

I think my brothers should see it too.

Last weekend, my brothers Dave and Dan ran the Akron Marathon. This was Dan's 3rd marathon. And Dave's millionth (approximately). Not only did they rock the race, they rocked it in style! They sported some new hairdos for the race. (Photo by my dad.) Click here for more on their race... and more hair pictures.

As teens, when it came to hairstyles, my mom let us be creative. She always said that if a hairstyle was the worst thing we did, then she could live with that. Hair always grows out. I chose to be creative in other ways, but these guys sported all kinds of 'dos.

Apparently, it wasn't just a phase. Dave runs many, many races, and he is known for having some easy-to-spot-in-a-crowd hairstyles. Dan has taken hairstyles to a whole n'other level... he has fused his mustache, beard and hair into some sort of head-gear-thingy. If only his eyebrow hairs could reach into his hairline!

I guess you have to have goals for next year.

And my goal for next year is 26.2 miles.