Monday, June 25, 2007

Best Husband Ever!

Recently we have been on vacation. We spent some time with family in Utah and Ohio.
Most of the vacation I did with the girls while Andy worked in Chicago.
By the time we got to Ohio I really missed Andy... a lot.
On our second day in Ohio, I had a conversation with Andy and I said something to the affect of "I wish you were on your way here right now." Little did I know...
Just after midnight that night, I was awakened by a handsome, wonderful man (of course it was Andy). It took me a minute or two to realize that this wasn't a dream. He flew to Ohio and surprised us.
Everyone was asleep when Andy came, so my family was very surprised to see him the next morning.
We had a great weekend with my family. We celebrated Marissa's graduation, ran a race, got Ruby's arm put back in its socket, played with baby ducks, watched Chris take down a hot air balloon, drove the go cart, and relaxed a bit.
Andy scored some big points. What a man!


Nicole and Scott Kesten said...

What part of Ohio are you from???

Karyn said...

Kent, Northeastern Ohio