Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Those aren't rose colored glasses!

We have a new guest in our house.
Hello Pink Eye. Make yourself comfortable. Can I get you anything?
The bad news is that everybody got it. I guess the good news is that everybody got it, so it will be gone soon. But it has been a long week as one by one we caught it.
Ruby and I are better now, but we are staying in until all eyes look normal. I can't wait for this one to work its way out of here.
(Doesn't that picture make your eyes water? Yikes.)


Emily said...

gross, i hope i don't catch it just by looking at a picture of it. yuck.

Karyn said...

watch out, it is apparently super-contagious...this picture will spread it through the internet...wa ha ha ha ha

Unknown said...

Knowing Andy, I'm not so sure that isn't just sleep deprivation...

Anonymous said...

He looks like he's going out for the role of the next Disney villain.