We had a long night last night. Contractions kept me from sleeping, and they got very uncomfortable around midnight. By 4am we were heading to the hospital. Chicago is so quiet at 4am, just us and the snow swirling gently outside.
I arrived at the hospital dialated to 6.5cm. Not bad. By 6:30am, I was at an 8. Andy did a great job applying pressure to help relieve pain (ask him, and he can show you pain-redusing pressure points). My midwife broke the amniotic sac and then contractions really got fun. (That was a joke, by the way.) Minutes later I was pushing. Hard work! Andy got so excited when he could see her head, his encouragement was just what I needed. But what I moment when I opened my eyes and looked down and saw this little baby emerging all slippery and plump! Oh how I loved her! June Emilia was born at 6:55am. She weighed in at 7 lbs 3oz and was 20 inches long.

She was so alert! She didn't really cry, just a lamb-like bleating every so often. She moved her eyes around the room as different voices spoke. Her tongue was going in and out of her mouth like she was trying to figure out how to make it work. She smiled a heavenly little smile. So peaceful. She stretched her arms and legs for the first time and startled herself. Babies are just so wonderful! I am in love with this tiny little girl.

I am feeling good now (except for where I am not feeling good). I have had a little nap and a lot of food!
June likes to suck on her hands and fingers. She is so calm... and soft, fuzzy, wrinkly, darling! She reminds me of both Alli and Ruby as babies. They will be quite a trio.
The hospital is great. I have a computer monitor and internet access at my bedside! A skyline view of downtown. I have a menu to order from whenever. The outfit is not so cute, but I guess I can't have everything.