Monday, June 8, 2009

it's always something, isn't it?

Lately Ruby has been teasing Alli with, "You have dark hair and I have bright hair."
Which bothers Alli to no end.  Of course Ruby continues, "Maybe June with have bright hair, like ME!" 
Alli usually takes all this pretty well, but Ruby knows which buttons to push, so Alli does get upset sometimes. 

When I was young, I never fought with my siblings.

Just kidding. 

I grew up in a family of ten kids.  Fighting was fun.  Something to do.  And picking little fights over stupid things was funnest of all... you're on my side of the room!  I called the front seat yesterday!

Oh fun.


Cheeky Kitchen said...

A family of ten?! My goodness! When she grows up, my daughter wants 20. I'll have to tell her about your family.

Are you REALLY having a bake sale?! I'm so excited I could cry. Will you send me a link as soon as it's posted & I'll brag all about you! Hurrah for good deeds!

eldonmars said...

I can think of a few times you may have started something with me. I must say that I remember more of the times I got under your skin... the bad perm ...the dead rabbit...