Thursday, June 4, 2009

skipping rope in our secret garden

This year we have started reading chapter books at bedtime (see my reading list on the sidebar). Right now, we are three chapters from the end of The Secret Garden. Reading this book with Allison and Ruby has been such a treat (except when they get grumpy about actually going to bed). Alli nearly gasped when Colin got out of his chair and walked. She said, "I can't believe he ACTUALLY walked!" Even the next morning she was talking about it. She is really into the story.

She also asked me if we could get some servants like Colin and Mary. Nice, huh?

Spring is a great time to read this book. We have been gardening in our own secret garden (patio). Alli and Ruby are extra interested in the sprouts popping up. It has been so much fun. In the book, Mary learns to use a skipping rope. So Alli and Ruby are practicing too.
In this clip, they show off their skills.

And then I get whipped with the rope.

Ruby is wearing a dress that I made for her. More about that here.


stephasauri said...

I'm so excited for when Eliza is old enough to enjoy chapter books! That's cool that Alli is so into the story.