Wednesday, May 30, 2007
Go Karyn GO!
Training started for me in March when I registered for the race.
I have been running in the mornings before Andy leaves for work. I joined a local gym to train for the swimming (free babysitting... woohoo).
The race is a half mile swim in a lake, a twelve mile bike ride, and a 3.1 mile run. Consecutively. I am excited and nervous for the race. I have trained hard and improved my swimming and running greatly. Say a little prayer for me Saturday morning. And stay tuned for results.
Ruby the Walker
Ruby took her first step mid-April. Since then she has been working hard to master the art of biped mobility. She climbs our stairs to strengthen her legs. She speeds across the patio pushing her hippo as fast as her little legs can go. She hangs onto the table and does squats. She stands and balances for as long as can. Ruby is determined to walk, so she is training hard.
This weekend she started taking several steps at a time without assistance. She gets so excited. Andy does too.
Alli wants to help Ruby walk, but her "help" is more of a deterrent at this point. She is a great cheerleader though. She gets Ruby all fired up.
I am excited for Ruby to walk. She is so proud of each step, and I can't help but love my child's accomplishments. And watching a wobbling infant walk to me just melts my heart.
Ruby's first birthday is coming up. This year has passed in an instant. My baby is walking.

The Ride

We did it! We made it to Navy Pier before closing time, the weather was gorgeous, the Ferris wheel was working, and we finally got to ride it! This was our fourth attempt to ride the Ferris wheel at Navy Pier. Alli has been looking forward to this ride since last summer, and she has been disappointed three times. As we waited in line we could hardly believe we were actually going to ride it this time.
Friday, May 25, 2007
Alli Ballerina

Laundry Season

A prize goes to the first person who can correctly identify the four types of stains that Alli is modeling. (Click on the picture for a larger view.)
I can tell summer is here by the laundry. I am doing lots of laundry (and using lots of Oxi-Clean). As of late, almost every day Alli and Ruby are getting so dirty that they need a mid-day change of clothes. By the day's end, they wear the evidence of a very busy, fun, sticky, summer day from head to toe.
After dinner, they go straight to the tub. The filthy clothes go straight to the washer. The girls splash around the tub until their fingers and toes are wrinkly and pink. They love bath time so much, sometimes I think they get extra dirty to ensure a daily bath.
Our washer and dryer broke last week (just before Mother's Day), and I am so glad to say they are both working again! Summer just wouldn't be the same without them.
Wednesday, May 23, 2007
Fun Day

The Icing on Top

Brussel Sprouts

Last night we had a picnic, complete with brussel sprouts. You would have thought she was having a candy picnic, that's how excited she was.
She put some on her plate and took a bite. I held my breath, expecting extreme disappointment. She liked them! Brussel sprouts aren't my #1 food, but I'm glad she likes them.
Ruby sees red

Ruby is a perky little sprite most of the time, but when she gets upset, she knows how to work it. She throws little tantrums complete with bouncing on her knees, dropping to the floor, flowing tears, and the grumpiest faces. Her tantrums are rare, but quite dramatic.
I guess having a big sister means she has to stick up for herself a little and make some noise.
Ruby is adorable, even when she is mad. And luckily, after a short tantrum, she is back to her happy little self.

Tuesday, May 15, 2007
Easter Parade in May
Picnic in the Park

Sunday, May 13, 2007
Mother's Day Treat
During sacrament meeting there was an animal cracker festival. Ruby was drooling cracker goo on me and Alli was breaking crackers into tiny pieces (which ended up on me). When the service was over, I learned a new definition for graham cracker crust. I left church looking like a dessert.
It has been a wonderful day, graham cracker goo and all. The girls (with help from Andy) got me some books and chocolates (which Alli thinks I need to share). Alli made a fruit cereal necklace for me and a card.
Happy Mother's Day to all the moms. I have an amazing mother. I wrote a tribute to her at with all of my other siblings.
Wednesday, May 9, 2007
A Night at Wrigley Field

Our experience was complete with hot dogs, a loud heckler nearby, grumpy-old-men-Cubs-fans behind us, the Pittsburgh coach getting kicked out of the game, gorgeous weather, crunchy peanut shells all over the ground, a no-nonsense old-lady usher who could silence the most obnoxious drunks.... oh yea, and a baseball game.
Wrigley Field is very charming and unique. There are many traditions at Wrigley Field that add to the nostalgia and ambiance. Watching a game at Wrigley Field truly is a baseball experience, now I know what everyone is talking about. The fans are devoted to the Cubs and they show their enthusiasm.
Tuesday, May 8, 2007
Uncle Adam

Adam hadn't seen Alli since she was 16 months old. He had never met Ruby before.
We were delighted to see him. Alli was shy at first, but she ended up running races with him around the baggage claim. Ruby was her happy little self.
Congratulations, Adam, on completing your mission.
Family Night

We played until the museum closed. Then we strolled along the pier back to the Ferris wheel. Unfortunately, we got there ten minutes too late. The rides were closed for the evening.
Alli has really been looking forward to riding the Ferris wheel. Every time we drive by, she points it out. She has gazed at the Ferris wheel from a high corner office at Andy's work and dreamed of riding it one day. We have tried taking her on the Ferris wheel a few times before, but it hasn't ever worked out for us. Once it was closed for maintenance. Another time it was closed because of high winds. She will get to ride it someday (soon).
Alli was a good sport. She posed for a few pictures. We felt bad about not getting to ride the Ferris wheel, so Andy told Alli we could have ice cream. So we went to the Navy Pier food court, and everything was shut down. Alli was very concerned.
We ended up driving to the McDonald's downtown to get some ice cream. Their "bistro" where the good gelato is was closed for a private event. We settled for regular McIce Cream. I got the Shrek-inspired mint chocolate shake. It was a nasty color and it tasted like mint syrup. It was gross.
Alli enjoyed her strawberry sundae, and Ruby wiggled and reached and fussed and tried to get any little taste of ice cream.
Despite the changes in our plans, the setbacks and disappointments, we had a very fun family evening. That is what being a family is all about.
Sunday, May 6, 2007
Flashback 1993

To celebrate prom season, here is a little flashback to 1993. This is one of Andy's favorite pictures. Andy is giving a classic teen-posing-with-parents-face, his mother is holding on to her boy and his father is beaming with pride.