Monday, July 30, 2007

The Donald

"Mom! Mom! I just saw Donald Trump! He was in the truck with a white shirt on!"

I'm sure you can imagine the surprise I felt hearing those words from Alli who is only three and a half.

No, we do not let Alli watch Access Hollywood or Entertainment Tonight. So how does she know about The Donald? Maybe she has an incredible memory. Long ago we used to watch The Apprentice. She would have been pretty small. We don't watch a ton of TV, but I guess it doesn't take much to be exposed to a lot of stuff. Trump does commercials for real estate classes or something.

Andy works across the street from the site of the new Trump Tower in Chicago. Whenever I take the girls downtown to pick Andy up , we watch the construction and note the rapid progress on the building.

Alli has had many questions about the building and its namesake, but other than our conversations, I didn't think the Trumpster has had any impact on her world.

On Friday we picked Andy up after work, and as we pulled up to his building, Alli exclaimed, "Mom! Mom! I just saw Donald Trump! He was in the truck with a white shirt on!" She was so excited, if she wouldn't have been strapped in, she would have fallen off of her seat.

It is a little scary to me that the idea of celebrity seems to have found its way to my daughter. She doesn't need the influence of Hollywood in her life right now. I would much rather have her recognize letters and numbers rather than celebrities.

Alli is a smart girl. She has an incredible mind eager to learn about everything. The responsibility of filling that mind with the best is on our shoulders. What a reminder!


Anonymous said...

I haven't had a good laugh in a long time. Thanks to Alli my day was complete! I hope she will point Donals out to me when I come visit.