Ruby and Alli love the butterfly room on the roof of the museum. The room is a huge greenhouse filled with lush gardens and thousands of dazzling butterflies. It is fun to walk through and be surrounded by dozens of different beautiful butterfly species, plus a few birds.

Andy enjoyed taking pictures... lots of pictures. Alli spent some time identifying different varieties of butterfly. Ruby toddled around pointing at the colorful fluttering butterflies.
We had a little scare, Andy almost stepped on a butterfly. Alli screamed, stopping him mid-step. Alli saved the little creature. She is not so compassionate with ants.

After watching the butterflies flutter around, we went to the play area in the museum. Alli dressed up like a beaver. Ruby climbed the stairs to the slide. They climbed up to the tree house, pretended to sail a boat, played with animal puppets, crawled through the tunnel... busy, busy girls.
This is a goofy picture of me, I was talking to Alli and playing with a puppet. Ruby was intrigued with the puppet.
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