The top of the kitchen table is her new hangout. She has also mastered climbing up onto the computer desk. I found her this morning standing on the keyboard. Very fun.
We went to Stanley's this morning for some produce, and I got a flat of strawberries ($ .49 per pound for organic strawberries). I set them on the table and went to the car to get another load of groceries. When I returned (no more than one minute later) Ruby was on the table helping herself to some berries.
You can see from the scrape on her nose, she isn't 100% safe about climbing. The scrape was from trying to climb up the planter on our patio on Saturday. Sunday she fell off of a chair before church and bit her tongue. After church she fell off of another chair and bit her lip.
Ruby is very adventurous. She has scrapes and bruises all over to prove it. Ruby is also pretty tough, because the bumps and falls don't seem to slow her down at all. I am glad she is so independent and brave, but it is a lot of work keeping up with her.
Sounds like she needs a mouth guard so she can stop biting herself.
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