Wednesday, February 6, 2008

much worse than shots...

ruby balloon Alli and Ruby had check-ups on Monday.  They are both growing well.  Alli is in the 50th percentile for height and weight.  Ruby is in the 50th percentile for height and 25th percentile for weight.  Both girls have ear infections.  Both girls really love their antibiotics in a scary way (Alli- "Mom, can I PLEEEEEEEEEEEEEASE have more medicine?").

Both girls had to have shots.  Ruby had a finger prick and an arm shot.  No fun.  Alli had to get poked five times!  She was brave, but one of hers really stung going in and it left a huge welt on her thigh (as big as my hand... for this immunization, the welt is pretty normal).   Afterwards we went next door to the dollar store for a little reward for bravery.  Alli picked out a dollar store fashion doll and a pink helium balloon.  Ruby got a purple balloon. She proudly showed her bandaged finger to the store clerk who gave her sympathy with a thick Indian accent.  For $3, I had two happy girls again.

On our way home we had to stop at Costco for a prescription and milk and whatnot.  We cruised the store for samples and picked up the necessities.  It was raining when we came out of the store.  Cold drizzle.  As I tried to wrangle two girls and all our stuff into the car, the pink balloon escaped.

Alli let out a loud, sad, "NNNNNNNNNOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!" as her balloon shrank into the cloudy gray sky.  She burst into tears and tragic sobs, pausing only to say, "I should have picked the purple one."


terica said...

I am so happy you wrote this story down. This is hilarious and so cute and surely shows Ali personality. SO CUTE!!!!