Thursday, January 7, 2010

Happy Birthday June!

One year ago today we welcomed little June into our family. It is amazing how quickly time flies by! I can hardly believe June is a year old, but she is doing lots of one-year-old things now.
June can take several steps. She chats nonstop... she even has a few words: Dada, Mama, Alli, uh-oh, thank you, bubble, hello, yeah. I think she has been our most talkative baby. June loves to eat whatever we are eating. For being so tiny, she has a tremendous appetite. Sometimes I think she eats more than Alli and Ruby! June has a very calm personality... unless you cross her. She always lets me know when Alli and Ruby are bothering her too much. June loves to hold objects in her hand (spoon, marker, pen, etc), and if you try to take the object away, she objects quite vocally. Sometimes if you take the object while she is sleeping she still gets upset while asleep.
June can make funny faces. She loves to laugh and be laughed at.
We love our little Junie.

Happy Birthday June Bug!


Marissa and Tevita said...


I love the video... next thing you know, she'll be running all over the house. :)