For the past few days I have been having contractions. Lots of contractions... every 5-7 minutes all day Monday. But not the productive kind...Braxton Hicks contractions. The ones that get your hopes up and wear you out! At my appointment this morning I tried hard to hide my disappointment when everything checked out the same as last week. Seriously!? Those contractions were hard work! The midwife conceded and said maybe I was a tiny bit more dilated... but not a full number.

Alli is so excited for her little sister to be born. She keeps asking if I am having contractions and how hard they are... she also asks if my water has broken. She is into this whole idea of labor... we have approached this milestone by telling her pretty much how it works (the labor part... we'll clear up the baby-making part another time). She is fascinated by it all. Me too.
Alli has her bag packed. She is excited for a sleepover with Ruby and her friends when real labor starts.
I have my bag packed too. We have a minivan now (whoever invented automatic sliding doors is a genius... and also probably a busy mom... brilliant!). We are ready for baby.

Lack of sleep and extra physical exertion are getting me down a little, but I am hanging in there. If this little one takes after Alli... then she would be here yesterday. If she takes after Ruby, then maybe by the 15th she will come...OY!!
At least the snow has melted and the temperatures have been somewhat mild... right?!

Alli is so excited for her little sister to be born. She keeps asking if I am having contractions and how hard they are... she also asks if my water has broken. She is into this whole idea of labor... we have approached this milestone by telling her pretty much how it works (the labor part... we'll clear up the baby-making part another time). She is fascinated by it all. Me too.
Alli has her bag packed. She is excited for a sleepover with Ruby and her friends when real labor starts.
I have my bag packed too. We have a minivan now (whoever invented automatic sliding doors is a genius... and also probably a busy mom... brilliant!). We are ready for baby.
Lack of sleep and extra physical exertion are getting me down a little, but I am hanging in there. If this little one takes after Alli... then she would be here yesterday. If she takes after Ruby, then maybe by the 15th she will come...OY!!
At least the snow has melted and the temperatures have been somewhat mild... right?!