Monday, April 14, 2008

Pump It Up!

alli laughing piu 1 alli piu 1 ruby marissa piu 2 ruby marissa piu 1 ruby piu 1

What to do on a rainy cold day?  Pump It Up!  The name of the place is super-cheesy, but Alli and Ruby love this place, and they use all of their energy here, so I love it too. 

Last week we escaped the chilly, wet weather at Pump It Up!  Marissa came along for some bouncy fun.  Ruby, in her true form, built a tower and climbed to the top.  She is always climbing to new heights.

Alli played with Elijah (not pictured).  There was much running, jumping, chasing, laughing, and general silliness.

ruby funny face 1