Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Who's the Boss?

Alli and her friend Elijah like to get bossy with each other sometimes (often).  So there is much discussion at our house about what one can demand of others.  Part of the conversation goes like this:

Alli-  Am I my own boss?

Me-  Yes.  When you make good choices you get to be your own boss.  When you make bad choices there are consequences that you don't get to choose... and then I am the boss.  And I am the Mom, so I am always in charge.

Today the conversation took an unexpected turn:

Alli-  Mom, am I my own boss?

Me-  Yes, but sometimes you have to do what Mom says.  Then I am the boss.

Alli-  Well, if you are the boss then shouldn't you pay me!?

Excuse me?  Did my four-year-old just demand pay?  And make me feel like a bad boss who is taking advantage of child labor?  Yikes. 

Alli sassy

Alli- 1, Mom- 0.


Emily said...


stephasauri said...

It's birthday month in the Nicoll family! Sorry I missed your big day. I hope you had a fabulous celebration!

PS- I love that you do such a good job of keeping us posted on your adventures! Mike and I have so much fun getting glimpses into those two fun little personalities!